Water Testing Management
Water Testing Mangaement System provides a seamless flow from sample logging to final report, and forms the backbone of laboratory information infrastructure. Aim of this system is store specific information about Clients and their samples details with the test reports. To manage the customer's sampling events from specific sample point data through the reporting requirements, including payments details. The system can be configured as a local desktop application, managed through Remote Desktop Services.
Our specialties:
- Customer Management.
- User Management.
- Sample Management.
- Sample Collection Management.
- Laboratory Management.
- Accounts Management
- Instruments Management
- Accounts Management
Customer Management:
Customer Information is managed in the master. This includes customer name and their contact information, brand details with type of customer and customer grade information.
User Management:
Administrator role is a predefined role that includes full control, on all modules. User Information is managed by admin.
Sample Management:
Test Information is managed in the master. The ability to add built-in, pre-defined test Standard, Parameters, Requirements, IS Procedure and type of water in the master. This allows users to easily manage two types of test allocation such as Individual test and Package with customized pricing. To assign price based on the customer types for Individual tests.
Sample Collection Management:
The collection cell mainly collects the water samples from customer. The pre defined tests allow user to quick set up of required tests as individual or package. Pre-defined test templates allow users to automatically generate required water quantity details and payment details at a fraction of the time. User can generate and print barcode for collected samples. And also print Acknowledgement for water samples from customer and Print instructions to Lab. To generate and print Invoice for completed test reports using barcode.
Laboratory Management:
Using barcode the pre-defined report templates allow users to automatically generate regulatory required reports at a fraction of the time. This helps the laboratory improve efficiency, maintains records and traceability.
Accounts Management:
The ability to integrate the payment details of each receipt information to Tally using excel sheet.
- Download invoice details in excel format and import that downloaded excel to Tally.
- Imported tally generated excel to water testing software
Instruments Management:
Simplicity and flexibility for better control of lab operations.
- Master-Instrument details.
- Create Calibration information
- Export to excel
Security :
- Collection cell only take printout Acknowledgement, Test Report, Invoice, Lab instructions at one time..
- Data cannot be deleted only deactivated.
- Completed Transactions – Acknowledgement, Test Report, Invoice, Lab instructions cannot be edited
- Lab test reports printout option will be available after import & exports of invoice between software and tally package.
Reports :
- Generation reports such as Company wise, Customer type wise, Water type wise, Test type wise, Pending & Completed test and Payment.